Mailinizer is an email reporting solution that provides detailed analytics on the messages being sent and received by the mail server. It has proved useful to administrators seeking the following types of information.
Mailinizer is an email reporting solution that provides detailed analytics on the messages being sent and received by the mail server. It has proved useful to administrators seeking the following types of information.
Mailinizer is an email reporting solution that provides detailed analytics on the messages being sent and received by the mail server. It has proved useful to administrators seeking the following types of information.
ZNeTS, The Network Traffic Supervisor is a tool to supervize your LAN traffic. Use NetFlow and IPFIX frame or direct capture. Show Net stats, net protocol, net traffic amount, net services, local hosts, local traffic, incoming connection, outgoing connect
Andrisoft provides DDoS protection,DDoS mitigation,traffic monitoring & accounting software for networks monitored by NetFlow,sFlow,IPFIX,Port Mirroring
Many routers, servers, and other systems can only send messages to a single log management system. The Flow Replicator allows a single stream of log data to be transparently replicated to multiple destinations.