Passive Fire Protection Solutions and Services Suppliers Distributors and Contractors, Fire Stopping, Intumescent paint fire protection, cementitious spray provides construction specifiers with the COMUS expertise in terms of passive fire protection and offers high performance intumescent coatings for the protection of metal structures, wood frames and construction materials.
Intumescent Fire Seals, Smoke Seals, Fire Protection door sealing systems, smoke control, glazing and air transfer systems, weather exclusion, acoustic insulation.
PFC Corofil, one of the UK's leading manufacturers of passive fire protection products. Our products help maintain the safety of public, private, commercial and historic buildings worldwide.
Nullifire - We are a world leader in the development of intumescent fire protective coatings and specialist fire coatings for steelwork, timber and construction joints & service penetrations.
Abesco is a worlwide leader in the design and manufacturer of Passive Fire Protection products. With 20 years experience in this market, we promote a tried and tested 'mature' product line for all your firestopping requirements, all third party