Furry Friends of Indiana is an orphaned kitten rescue located in Warsaw, Indiana for kittens under the age of 6 weeks old. We have several ready to adopt!
A not-for-profit Old English Sheepdog rescue assisting dogs in the state of Minnesota and Indiana. Find a new friend or assistance when you can no longer keep your OES.
The Indiana River Rescue School is located in South Bend Indiana. We are dedicated to teaching Fire Fighters, Conservation Officers, Police and other first responders about the hazards and safe rescue techniques of swift water rescue.
Wildlife Rescue & Control Inc. Removes nuisance wildlife from you home or business. We offer complete restoration of damage caused to your home from wildlife. We remove Raccoons, Squirrels, Moles, Skunks, Bats, Muskrats, Beavers, Groundhogs, and Pigeon