Digital Bio Pharm provide preclinical drug discovery, virtual prediction of molecular docking, QSAR, medical 3D animation, venture investments consulting and due dilligence
Prediction of a compound's solubility in DMSO (SDMSO) plays a vital role in sample management and global drug discovery. The distribution of samples as DMSO solutions is preferable to distribution of solids/powders, since these require an extra dissolutio
We utilize a combined approaches that speed up the drug discovery and development with the quality of services and products. With these approaches, we endeavor to become your ideal partner for identifying the drug candidates and understanding drug di
Oxford Global Conferences are pleased to announce the 7th Annual Drug Development Congress, taking place in Geneva in June 2015. It is estimated that less than 10% of drug development programmes result in safe and efficacious therapies. This congress brin
MobyWat is a program for analysis and prediction of hydration structure of molecular surfaces and interfaces. The program uses a series of frames sampled from molecular simulations performed with explicit water models.
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Bayer Technology Services is renowned for its expertise in predictive mechanistic modeling of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics as well as its interdisciplinary competence in computational biology.
Asia Immunogenicity provides a comprehensive overview (or thorough introduction) to predicting and mitigating unwanted immunogenicity, including risk assessment, developing assays and meeting FDA/EU regulatory standards.
Mygenome offers confidential genetic testing to identify genetic risk factors for common diseae and provides practical information that may prevent diseae, preserve wellness, and improve quality of life. Our services provide customers with informed choic
Scientific data analysis, modeling and presentation for measurement data, toxicological and environmental modeling, SciPredict chemical prediction software, Free software
QTEST is a Great Brand Name in Rapid Diagnostic of different deseases and conditions. Drug Test Kits from 1 to 10 illegal substances, Pregnancy Tests, Ovulation Predictors by Saliva or Urine or Basal Temperature.
Pion – Determination and prediction of solubility, dissolution, permeability and human absorption is Pion’s core business. We screen and analyze pharmaceutical compounds using instrumentation, software and laboratory services.