Dani Dodge is an award-winning installation artist who creates immersive, interactive environments examining the longing for permanence in an impermanent world.
All things are impermanent. Remember that. I hope you've enjoyed the stories I've shared here while it lasted,
and I wish you all the best in life. Sincerely, Kikue Mugen - Sayonara
Miriam Syowia Kyambi is a multi-media artist of Kenyan and German heritage based in Nairobi. Her work combines performance & installations with impermanent and permanent mediums engaging the viewer in a dynamic process.
'transZient' adjective : a period of change from one state or condition to another; synonyms : transformational, metamorphicˈtranSHənt,ˈtranzēənt/'adjective : lasting only for a short duration; impermanent.synonyms : transitory, temporary, short-lived, b
. . . a portfolio of creative work
Wabi-sabi is "a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is a beauty of things modest and humble. It is a beauty of things unconventional...."
Liposuction happens to be an ordinary, usually safe type of surgical procedure. But, as with all other persistent surgical procedure, there’re some unwanted, usually impermanent side effects tied with it. For making informed decisions regarding whether yo
Xpire is a social networking client that allows you to easily shrink your digital footprint. Share self-destructing social networking posts, search through your old content, remove unwanted followers, delete your old posts, and more!