Les équipements d' HYPOXICO Inc sont les premiers au monde à avoir permis d'offrir des systèmes hypoxiques avec une pression atmosphérique normale et sans exigence de stockage d'azote. HYPOXICO Inc possède déjà de nombreux brevets (altitude,antrainement,h
Hypoxic training - hypoxia awareness normobaric simulated training system. Aircrew altitude training in accordance with FAA, CAA, CASA, JAR ops requirements.
Higher Peak brings the cost of altitude training and altitude tents down to earth. Our Mountain Air Generator produces an incredibly strong stream of hypoxic air that can be used for Live-High Train-Low, Hypoxic exercise, and Intermittent Hypoxic Training
Hypoxia awareness for aircrew. Integrated fully computerized educational and practical
hypoxia familiarization and training system. Normobaric hypoxic training for aviation.
Racing NJ is a Road Race, Cross Country, and Track Meet Management and Timing Service. We offer a low cost solution to your race management needs. We also offer training services for runners, includinh our High Altitude Intermittent Hypoxic training.
Horse respiratory treatment: ERA mask for MDI and wet nebulizer medication delivery.
ERAmask low dead space and perfect seal for hypoxic training and medication respiratory treatments.
Unique concept. Training in a SKY BOX, as if you are on the Mont Blanc, so 4000 meters high and you feel .... after the training. Medically proven to be Natural