Pygmy Peoples from Central Africa: culture and music of the African rainforest hunter-gatherers, commonly called Pygmies, from the fieldwork of the anthropologist and writer Luis Devin.
Whether it is peak oil, cancer, climate change, hatred of wolves, or the extinction of hunter gatherers, we, suffer from our disconnection from the Earth.
The Paleo Diet is a modern day diet that mimics the diet of preagricultural hunter-gatherers. It consists of foods that can be hunted, gathered or fished.
In an attempt to avoid famine, bad harvests, or worse, here are some inspirations, perplexions, and entertainments for my fellow hunter gatherers. shane @ shanecarpenter . com
When a couple of lazy hunter-gatherers (Jack Black and Michael Cera) are banished from their primitive village, they set off on an epic journey through the ancient world. Directed by Harold Ramis.
Whether it is peak oil, cancer, climate change, hatred of wolves, or the extinction of hunter gatherers, we, suffer from our disconnection from the Earth.
Daniel Stiles has a Ph.D. in Anthropology from UC Berkeley. From prehistoric archaeology and hunter-gatherers his interests have shifted to desertification and wildlife conservation. He has worked in academia, for the UN and various NGOs and owned a farm
PINGO's FORUM is a non-governmental non profit membership organisation for pastoralists, hunters and gatherers that advocates for equitable recognition of its constituents and their livelihood
The Kalahari Peoples Network (KPN) is part of a larger organization called the Kalahari Peoples Fund (KPF) based in Austin, Texas, that was started over thirty years ago by anthropologists, mostly associated with Harvard.
PINGO's FORUM is a non-governmental non profit membership organisation for pastoralists, hunters and gatherers that advocates for equitable recognition of its constituents and their livelihood