A Timeless & Classical Art...Ancient yet Eternal. Welcome to The Ancient Art of Holistic Thinking. The book, and online classes offered here will engage you in a timeless, dynamic and integrated worldview, a beautiful and reflective way of engaging wi
I developed the integrated triangle approach many years ago now - initially applied in the business context as a system of internal coaching (or workplace championing) and more recently in the creative sound context as improvised music, in various forms.
Our charge is to find, design and deliver the most powerful interactions between consumers and our clients' brands, wherever they may exist. And it is this relentless combination of target-market-led and holistic thinking that truly sets us apart.
Michelle Hawkins is Cape Town based & offers holistic self-empowerment courses: incl Angels, Guides, positive thinking, intuition & psychic development
Next What's In, Self-help book, management book, dissolving the boxes, thinking out of the box, Santosh Sharma, India, new-age management consultant, reposition, holistic management, world's first book on dissolving the boxes, Conscious Advisory Services,
This is the home of The E.N/F -- The Environomy.Net/Forum On Options for Progress. Join us to discuss, share, promote, learn, trade, grow; In pursuit of greater Environomic Synergy -- The 'Triple Bottom Line' 3BL Holistic Systems Thinking Lean Green Envir
Our charge is to find, design and deliver the most powerful interactions between consumers and our clients' brands, wherever they may exist. And it is this relentless combination of target-market-led and holistic thinking that truly sets us apart.
Dror works at the intersection of art, design, and architecture, exploring the dynamic collision of poetry and physics. As a team of architects, designers and artists led by Dror Benshetrit we deliver holistic thinking and disruptive design. Our dedicatio
Why do things happen? Why does anything even exist? These are questions about causality, about how the world ticks. One way of thinking about causality is mechanical. Another equally ancient view is organic or holistic. The dichotomy is its logic.
ITI, the International Trend Institute, is a holistic branding agency based in Durban, South Africa. With a combination of considered strategic thinking, global trend knowledge and creative design, we work with clients to define, create and communicate me
Welcome to Holistic & Authentic Talent Development, the Whole-Person, Whole-Brain Approach to Learning “We help you accelerate and unlock your talent’s potential and better progress your life and work by thinking differentl
Holistic Health - A new way of thinking about your health and discover how you can take charge. of Weight Problems, Erectile dysfunction, fibromyalgia, snoring etc
The Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization (TOCICO) unites people who share a passion for win-win holistic thinking and share a vision that this will become the main way to manage organizations. The TOCICO is a global not-for-profi
We are creating exquisite premium product design that is meant to meet human needs and bringing the twinkle to our clients eyes. The studio stands for a holistic product developement and thus for a new way of thinking design.
We are a team of experienced interdisciplinary executives. Together with our partners we are the leading creators of thinking space. By ignoring traditional intellectual and disciplinary boundaries and by working in a horizontal and holistic manner we are