Peritonealkarzinose, Bauchfellkrebs, Lebermetastasen. Behandlung durch systemische oder regionale Chemotherapie, Immuntherapie, Hyperthermie und Viszeralchirurgie, Peritonektomie, Hipec.
The treatment of patients with peritoneal cancer (mesothelioma, pseudomyxoma peritonei and peritoneal metastases) is evolving and may include HIPEC in selected patients.
Dr Aditi Bhatt is one of the most experienced surgeons performing HIPEC for Pseudomyxoma peritonei, Colorectal cancer, Ovarian cancer and others in India
This site supports Ebb Galvin's nonfiction book Mercy:A Second Chance, a book which weaves together Doctor Armando Sardi's professional life, Doctor Paul Sugarbaker's development of cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC, and the experience of a pat
Dr K.S.Sethna wide experience in Surgical Oncology. Trained at various centers around the world, including Tata Memorial Centre - Mumbai, Washington Hospital Center – Washington DC, National Cancer Center and Juntendo University – both in Tokyo, Memorial
Das Onkologische Zentrum behandelt und betreut Patienten auf höchstem medizinischem Niveau, in enger Kooperation mit Hausärzten, Fachärzten und Krankenhäusern.