Official site of the adventures of Kit Bristol: The Accidental Highwayman, a Young Adult novel by Ben Tripp, a swashbuckling tale of dark magic and true love.
Fürth Triathlon 11.07.2010 - Highwayman Triathlon: Schwimmen im Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal, Radfahren auf der Autobahn, Laufen im Stadtwald, Finisher-Party und Familienprogramm auf dem Gelände des TV Fürth 1860. Ausrichter: Triathlonabteilung des TV Fürth 186
Official site of the adventures of Kit Bristol: The Accidental Highwayman, a Young Adult novel by Ben Tripp, a swashbuckling tale of dark magic and true love.
Official site of the adventures of Kit Bristol: The Accidental Highwayman, a Young Adult novel by Ben Tripp, a swashbuckling tale of dark magic and true love.
During the English Civil War two lovers, a Royalist soldier turned highwayman and a healer defy the religious austerity of Cromwell’s new society. Take a look under Novel Excerpts to read a sample of my story. Enjoy! Stay tuned for the official book trail
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