Illness recovery stories. Ordinary people tell their story about how they recovered from illness and found healing. Write your story, or if you are unwell find out how fellow sufferers improved or completely recovered.
We have gathered a range of healing stories in a video format for you to enjoy and share with others. Our unique approach of combining FM and PAK provides solutions where there have been none.
Healing The Stories We Tell Ourselves Workshops with Mother Turtle is a unique interactive personal enrichment experience for healing and self empowerment.
The Souls of Women has been designed to produce a collection of transcendent stories told through visual and literary arts. We aspire to create a community where women feel safe and empowered to share their stories of moving through trauma to healing on t
We have gathered a range of healing stories in a video format for you to enjoy and share with others. Our unique approach of combining Functional Medicine and the Practice of Applied Kinesiology (PAK) provides solutions where there have been none. Dr. Bil
Personal Homepage ShanT en Tischa. I am from the Netherlands. I started this page as a Log for travel stories, inner and outer, of a seeker for truth. I got a bit carried away, and now my life is about complete on the net...