drink drinking handicap handicapped Drinking aid for handicapped persons and persons in need of care, especially in case of restricted motor activity such as Athetosis, Spastic Paralysis, MS, Parkinson
website giving a glimpse into japanese,chinese and kyrgyz lives by short stories and pictures. And information of Kyrgyzstan(student weblog, adult day-care center), story of a person who was injured in a foreign country and became a handicapped member(bra
Walkin bathtubs, handicapped baths, accessible bath and safety tubs are designed to assist those with limited mobility, the elderly and disabled to safely take a bath without the assistance of another person.
UNICO Village, Inc., Philadelphia, PA,is an over 62 Apartment Complex, housing a single person 62 or older, a husband and wife, one of which is 62 or older, handicapped, 18 or older, one working adult and a parent, 62 or older.
Walkin bathtubs, handicapped baths, accessible bath and safety tubs are designed to assist those with limited mobility, the elderly and disabled to safely take a bath without the assistance of another person.
West Highland Apartments provide quality, safe and affordable government subsidized housing. This housing program is designed for a family whose head or spouse (or sole member) is an elderly (age 62 years or older), disabled, or handicapped person.
Walkin bathtubs, handicapped baths, accessible bath and safety tubs are designed to assist those with limited mobility, the elderly and disabled to safely take a bath without the assistance of another person.
Walkin bathtubs, handicapped baths, accessible bath and safety tubs are designed to assist those with limited mobility, the elderly and disabled to safely take a bath without the assistance of another person.
UNICO Village, Inc., Philadelphia, PA,is an over 62 Apartment Complex, housing a single person 62 or older, a husband and wife, one of which is 62 or older, handicapped, 18 or older, one working adult and a parent, 62 or older.
Walkin bathtubs, handicapped baths, accessible bath and safety tubs are designed to assist those with limited mobility, the elderly and disabled to safely take a bath without the assistance of another person.
All Saints welcomes ALL to come and be fed. Seek and love God. Serve each person as Christ. We are: open and affirming, fully handicapped accessible, and completely welcoming of all children, including those with developmental physical disabilities.
AMHA - Association for Mentally Handicapped Adults. A home for mentally-challenged / retarded adults and children in Thrissur, Kerala, India. Dr. P. Bhanumathi, Professor Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur is the person in-charge.
UNICO Village, Inc., Philadelphia, PA,is an over 62 Apartment Complex, housing a single person 62 or older, a husband and wife, one of which is 62 or older, handicapped, 18 or older, one working adult and a parent, 62 or older.
Website for HCAR, the Humboldt Community Access & Resource Center. A non-profit provider of services to people with developmental disabilities in Humboldt County, California.
The purpose of this site is to help and educate parents of children who are disabled about disablities and available treatment options; This site provides important information about physical and mental impairments, disabilities and handicaps; This site i
The success story of Dr. KusumLata Bhandari is quite unbelievable. Although she is physically challenged with more than 80% poliomyelitis but her aura is as bright as the sun. She has gone through along and arduous way of life. By profession, she is a pro
In this site, the site manager who got a cervical spine injury and has been confined to a wheelchair presents his experiences since he became a physically challenged person, introduces a self-help device and urinary catheterization and so on.