North Point Charity : - Top Alternative Energy Sources top alternative energy technologies, new alternative energy sources, gifting charity for energy, energy technologies, charity for energy, magnetic energy, solar energy, cold fusion
Oakwonderful, the World's Largest Flower Power Celebration for Charity, June 12-14, 2015 Oakwonderful benefits Bay Area Nonprofit Organizations with ticket revenue sharing, Artist & Performer grants, and a venue for non monitory gifting. Our celebrations
Friends and family chip in towards great gifts and your favourite charity benefits too! Perfect for any gifting occasion like children’s birthdays and office gift collections!
BW Unlimited is North America’s Premier Charity Fundraising firm, offering a wide array of fundraising event management services as well as a full line of “No Risk Auction Items.” Your next Charity Auction or event with be the best it c
Providing financial, educational and inspirational opportunities like Youth hockey individual scholarships and team grants. Support TSYSF so children may participate in structured sports programs.
Virtual Checkpoint is the first GeoFencing technology ever developed that enables user access control based on location, residency, and/or age which enables regulatory compliance online for Internet software platforms.
The American League of Charitable Organizations focused on a wide range of issues charities and non-profits face when fundraising online. Our Political Action Commit advocates for equality, fairness, and justice for all organizations for the equal oportun
A charity for Malawi and African orphans whereby 100% of any money donated goes directly to the benefit of the children - nothing is taken out for 'administration' or salaries, as the site is run by volunteers