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Gaussian Engineering has a comprehensive end-to-end view of physical asset management within the asset intensive industries. ISO 55000, PAS55, Asset Management
Gaussian Engineering has a comprehensive end-to-end view of physical asset management within the asset intensive industries. ISO 55000, PAS55, Asset Management
Ein Onlinelöser für lineare Gleichungssysteme basierend auf dem Gaußalgorithmus, der neben eindeutigen oder unendliche viele Lösungen in der Ausgabe unterstützt.
The normal distribution, also often called the bell curve, is a mathematical instrument which is useful for estimating an unknown value of a distribution in an very unerring way. It is used in statistics and as a basis for all social studies. To learn mor
A convenient graphical program for working with quantum chemistry calculations. Provides visualization of Gamess/Gaussian output files, useful utilities for preparing new jobs for calculation.
User-friendly software uses gamess/gaussian outputs to build molecular orbital energy-level diagrams, UV/VIS spectra, density maps and prepare them for publication
Research on formal models of response inhibition, multinomial processing tree models, and Bayesian inference. Download BEESTS (Bayesian Ex-Gaussian Estimation of Stop-Signal RT distributions) here for free.
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