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In your garden there is a voracious bucket who adores apples, as food of course. Use your cannon to shoot apples into the bucket, solve simple puzzles and satisfy the greedy-guts! Let it treat itself to sweet and juicy fruit!
Antarctica - is the endless expanse of water, the oceans full of ice and fish. A haven for penguins. It is home to the most voracious of all penguins, by the name 'Blue'...
Real adrenalin for real racers! Show the best results among the racers of New-York, Monaco, London, Moscow and Tokyo and you will be the winner of the world race championship.
What do monsters like to do most of all? - To scare children! And also they like cookies! Small, big some with powder, some without it, some slightly burnt and some not.
The wicked witch sent a black curse upon the forest´s habitants and Snow White. All the animals mutated and turned into evil monsters. Only Snow White was able to resist the mutation...
The microbes continue attacking! Now you'll have to face purple microbes, which are twice cleverer than other alien microbes and they are very decisive to invade the Green World