I'm an independent researcher in the use of digital games in education and healthcare, gamification in society, and the game franchise Animal Crossing. Common works for academic, public and private clients include synthesising existing research a
"Come into the mountains, dear friend. Leave society and take no one with you but your true self. Get close to nature. Your everyday games will be insignificant. Notice the clouds spontaneously forming pattern and try to do that with your life"
Intertops casino, sports bets, poker and games give you the chance to win with fun and excitement! Enjoy the Las Vegas experience in our casino! Bet on Soccer, American Sports, Society Events and much more! Play poker with the best of the world. More than
Games Atelier werd ontwikkeld als een nieuw leermiddel dat aansloot bij de belevingswereld van scholieren in het voortgezet onderwijs. Scholieren gebruikten hierbij mobiele telefoons uitgerust met GPS en internet om samen spellen te maken, te spelen en ac
We meet twice a week to play board games, card games and wargames. Whether you play Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer 40,000, Settlers of Catan or something else, you're bound to find others to play at SGS.