Casual Girl Gamer is a blog dedicated to bringing you the best casual games that can be played online for free. We publish regular game reviews, game lists and developer spotlights.
A dividend investment blog. Focused on stocks, for long term growth. A goal towards personal finance and knowledge of life. Gaining freedom to live debt free and building wealth towards financial independence and early retirement. (by Dividend Gamer)
Peacock Beauty is a blog dedicated to colorful makeup and beauty discoveries for the everyday girl. As a former gamer-girl and first time make-up wearer at the age of 28, I am eager to try EVERYTHING. You will find a wide variety of products and viewpoint
News, Reviews und Specials zu PC- & Videospielen. Next Gamer berichtet über PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS Vita, iOS, Android, VR und mehr ...
The latest iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad game reviews, news, previews and cheat codes. We also have weekly features about jailbreaking and the latest Apple hardware.
Games, cartoons and all around geekery. Video game writer Taylor Steins personal blog chronicling her journey throughout the virtual world and everyday life