Specialist suppliers of award-winning class teaching packs for African Drumming, Gamelan, Hand Percussion, Samba, Steel Pans and Taiko world music traditions and accessible, fairly traded musical instruments and music teaching resources for every age grou
Bali music and dance is a balinese gamelan and dance conservatory in denpasar that studies, documents and reconstructs rare and previously extinct semar
Wayne Vitale is an composer, educator, and writer who has long been inspired by the music of Bali, Indonesia. He also tunes and restores Balinese gamelan.
Gamelan Genta Kasturi presents Spring Concert 2017 featuring guest Balinese artists I Ketút Gedé Asnawa, Putu Oka Mardiani, Ni Made Nias Yunirika and Ni Nyoman Nias Yonitika in a concert of traditional and modern Balinese Gamelan Music & Dance.
Blarvuster is a chamber ensemble/rock band hybrid featuring Matthew Welch’s compositions & Welch on bagpipes, sax, and voice. In the infectiously ecstatic fervor of Blarvuster's music, Scottish bagpipes, Balinese gamelan, minimalism, impr
Gamelan is one of the ancient music traditions of the world. In Solo, it’s still a part of everyday life, and an important cultural custom. A complex wonder of human invention, it comes from a timeless world of aural tradition, contemplation, and relaxed
Gamelan is one of the ancient music traditions of the world. In Solo, it’s still a part of everyday life, and an important cultural custom. A complex wonder of human invention, it comes from a timeless world of aural tradition, contemplation, and relaxed
Off Land
Formed in 2004 by Tim Dwyer, an artist and musician from New England. His sound has been influenced by meditative music such as Javanese gamelan and minimal drone. Dwyer's music is sparse yet texturally intricate, lying in some sort of electr
Bali music and dance is a balinese gamelan and dance conservatory in denpasar that studies, documents and reconstructs rare and previously extinct semar
Bali music and dance is a balinese gamelan and dance conservatory in denpasar that studies, documents and reconstructs rare and previously extinct semar
Specialist suppliers of award-winning class teaching packs for African Drumming, Gamelan, Hand Percussion, Samba, Steel Pans and Taiko world music traditions and accessible, fairly traded musical instruments and music teaching resources for every age grou
Jual Grosir Alat Musik Traditional Sejak 1965,seperti Rebana,Gambang Kromong,Marchingband,Jimbe,Gong,Marawis,Hadroh,Angklung,Gamelan,Drumband,bedug,angklung
Learn about the language and culture of Indonesia, including Bali & Java; travel there, or learn to speak Bahasa Indonesia at Hello-Indonesia.com. We also feature books, music, Indonesian handicrafts and links to other helpful resources.