Inhabitat is a website dedicated to green design, innovation, and the future of clean technology, cataloging great ideas and emerging technologies which will change our world for the better.
Futuristic leaders literally see and map the future. Frank Feather, Global Business Futurist, Futurist, Keynote speaker, Future trends, Business trends, Customized Keynotes, Innovation keynotes, Leadership, Innovation Leadership, Change, Change management
Public speaking on future trends, managing change, online marketing, social media. Speaker Neil Godin mixes learning with laughter, rich content, audience participation.
At Gray Technologies we incorporate a wide range of hardware technologies such as Batch Data Collection, RF Data collection, WLAN and WWAN connections, and the latest technology that is bound to change data collection in the near future, RFID Tags, into s
Retain the humble childlike curiosity of this beautiful wondrous world around you. Remain open to new ideas, challenges, and change. Keep learning and growing. Embrace your ever-evolving future rather then resting on successes of the past. Care for one
Change the Haiti's future is our common commitment. We promote an innovative support founded on integrating of modern humanitarian support with social, economic and financial development factors to create new resources.
Recycle for Change’s mission is to fight worldwide poverty, to empower ordinary people to do the same, to reduce carbon emissions and create a sustainable future for all. Recycle for Change recognizes that the earth’s resources are finite and that preserv