Earn money for your school, club, or oganization while promoting green cleaning products. Our microfiber cleaning products clean your home with no harsh chemicals. Your school makes money on every item sold.
The Sunshine Coast Island Charity Swim is an event built around raising much needed funds and awareness for the Nambour and Currimundi special schools.
Earn money for your school, club, or oganization while promoting green cleaning products. Our microfiber cleaning products clean your home with no harsh chemicals. Your school makes money on every item sold.
The Bridge Fund: A new program in Lawrence Township High Schools and it is the result of what happens when the power of our parents and alumni team up to make a difference. The Bridge Fund is a dedicated reserve allocated to support deserving Lawrence To
National Education Network of public, private, parochial school websites, including free email, calendar, school information, community information, Student art, classroom websites, online curriculum and research, and funding opportunities
You are invited to attend lively video and slideshow presentations and discussions about Himalayan climbing and trekking around, in order to raise awareness and funds to help poor local farm families living on the `wrong side` of Mt Everest in Nepal and T