Freedoms Phoenix is the premier Freedom, Liberty, Peace and Love R3volution website in the world. Our network is re-igniting the flames of freedom one mind at a time by uncovering the secrets and exposing the lies.
Fight for the Future is dedicated to protecting and expanding the Internet's transformative power in our lives by creating civic campaigns that are engaging for millions of people.
Freedoms Foundation's History Tours bring students to where the United States of America was born through the love and labor of our earliest civic heroes.
Oud-Vossemeer, The Roosevelt Cradle,
home of the FDR four freedoms monument,We want to rebuild the former Roosevelt
house,Four Freedoms Monument - Vier Vrijheden Monument en de wieg van de U.S.A. Ro(o)sevelt Family
Human Rights in Lebanon website, human rights, human rights in Lebanon, women rights in Lebanon, violence in Lebanon, children human rights in Lebanon, Lebanese human rights, organization for human rights in Lebanon, freedoms of all citizens and residents
Freedoms Foundation's History Tours bring students to where the United States of America was born through the love and labor of our earliest civic heroes.