Lapins bleus formation est depuis 1999 une référence dans le domaine de la formation audiovisuelle. Notre équipe de 80 formateurs, constituée de professionnels en activité, dispense des stages de prise de vues, montage virtuel, compositing, finishing, pos
Elizabeth Bullen is graphic artist based in Paris, France. Originally from McLean, VA, Liz moved to Europe in 2002 to pursue a formation in visual communication at Maryse Eloy, and is now finishing her studies at Gobelins, l'ecole de l'image. Liz Bullen
Textile World magazine and are leading resources for textile news and information - from textile fiber to fabric formation and finishing, to apparel, carpet, technical textiles and nonwovens. Textile World and include: di
Unichem Industries, supplies fabrication equipment for PWB, MCM-C, Flex Circuit and HDI assemblies. Also supplying equipment for Multilayer finishing; V-scoring; Edge finishing; via inspection; via formation; laminate preparation; and ceramic green sheet
O.M. Impianti & New Battery Engineering work in the field of engineering and technologies for the production and charge of batteries, proposing partial or complete solutions which, satisfy the customer's requirements drawing, to a consolidated and innovat