Research in the Murphy Group focuses on the development of fluorination methods for the synthesis of small molecule tracers for positron emission tomography
SynQuest specializes in all aspects of fluorine chemistry including fluoro aliphatics, fluorinated gases and fluoro aromatics. We have over 5200 chemicals in stock. What.s not in stock can be custom manufactured to your specifications. We supply quantitie
Barrier Plastics Home Page, manufacturer of Baritainers. Baritainers are HDPE containers with Quoral BR that contain hazardous chemicals and are used in lieu of fluorinated plastic or metal packaging.
BP Polymers is the sole North American manufacturer of Quoral Barrier Resins. Quoral BR is a nylon based resin added to HDPE during the manufacturing process in order to make Baritainers. Baritainers are plastic containers used in lieu of fluorinated p
Mike J.Melia & Associates are experts in the field of blow molding with extensive experience of blow molding techniques and a proven track record with several large companies.
SynQuest specializes in all aspects of fluorine chemistry including fluoro aliphatics, fluorinated gases and fluoro aromatics. We have over 5200 chemicals in stock. What.s not in stock can be custom manufactured to your specifications. We supply quantitie
SynQuest specializes in all aspects of fluorine chemistry including fluoro aliphatics, fluorinated gases and fluoro aromatics. We have over 5200 chemicals in stock. What.s not in stock can be custom manufactured to your specifications. We supply quantitie