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The Chopra Center is a nurturing place where people come to find balance, heal, and transform through the foundational teachings of meditation, yoga, and Ayurveda. Founded by Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon …
Make Glucerna nutrition shakes and snack bars part of your diabetes meal plan, to help minimize blood sugar spikes, manage your diabetes, and achieve your weight loss goals.
Making Glucerna products part of your diabetes meal plan is a good way to help minimize blood sugar spikes, manage your diabetes, and achieve your weight loss goals.
Naturopathic healthcare practice incoporating homeopathy, NAET allergy elimination, Bio-Energetic Screening, naturopathic consultation, brain health assessment, flower essences, & other alternative modalities to help you find your health balance
City girl at heart, living in suburbia. Sharing all the things that help find balance in a busy life: home decor, style & beauty, great food & travel