Rotondi Research-Archival Film Research, Photo + Stock Footage Research, Network News and Text Research for your Documentary, Film, Book, Industrial or Commercial
Class Biologically Clean manufactures germ-free, flexible film softwall isolators for gnotobiotic animal research that provide a sterile or microbially-controlled laboratory environment for immunodeficient rodents.
Trauma and mental health from many perspectives: personal experiences, scientific research, therapists, bloggers, film and literature. (by Making Good)
Qualitec Coating and Optics has placed top performers in Thin Film Coating Research and Development, Thin Film Process Engineers Manufacturers, Optical Design Engineers, Optical Systems Engineers, Technical Marketing and Sales Management, Project Manageme
A factual film about Wilhelm Reich, psychiatrist, research physician & scientist, whose books were burned by the U.S. gov't in 1956 and 1960. (by Kevin Hinchey)
Staging Beckett: the Impact of Productions of Samuel Beckett's Drama on Theatre Practice and Cultures in the United Kingdom and Ireland - AHRC funded research project, Department of Film, Theatre & Television, University of Reading
Movie Industry Surveys is the go to online survey company for both movie studios and production companies looking to capture relevant fresh feedback from active moviegoers. We can push your movie surveys out to millions of US and International movie watch
In Bruges Research is an ongoing project that studies fans and audiences of the 2008 movie In Bruges (starring Colin Farrell, Ralph Fiennes and Brendan Gleeson, directed by Martin McDonagh). The study is conducted at the University of British Columbia, Va
The Social Network Research is an ongoing project that studies fans and audiences of the 2010 movie The Social Network (directed by David Fincher, starring Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, and Andrew Garfield). The study is conducted at the University
Splice Research is an ongoing project that studies fans and audiences of the 2010 movie Splice (starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley, directed by Vincenzo Natali). The study is conducted at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn Research is an ongoing project that studies fans and audiences of the 2011 movie The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis and