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Scott Fedewa's Spottworks, Inc. produced the pioneering web site,, starting in 1996. Interactive yet script-based television entertainment, was far ahead of its time.
Scott Fedewa's Spottworks, Inc. produced the pioneering web site,, starting in 1996. Interactive yet script-based television entertainment, was far ahead of its time.
Stan Fedewa and Marilyn Fedewa have authored and co-authored biographies -- Maria of Agreda, and Emil Lockwood -- as well as many articles, encyclopedia entries, and more
Jerry Fedewa Homes, Inc. Home Builder that builds custom homes. Jerry Fedewa Homes builds distinctive homes using the highest level of professional and
Jerry Fedewa Homes, Inc. Home Builder that builds custom homes. Jerry Fedewa Homes builds distinctive homes using the highest level of professional and
Jerry Fedewa Homes, Inc. Home Builder that builds custom homes. Jerry Fedewa Homes builds distinctive homes using the highest level of professional and