The Family Literacy Involvement Program (FLIP) is an interactive reading comprehension kit designed for children ages birth to 8 years old. The reading program includes 201 activity kits based on diverse children's books. Each kit is designed to incr
The Family Literacy Involvement Program (FLIP) is an interactive reading comprehension kit designed for children ages birth to 8 years old. The reading program includes 201 activity kits based on diverse children's books. Each kit is designed to incr
The Family Literacy Involvement Program (FLIP) is an interactive reading comprehension kit designed for children ages birth to 8 years old. The reading program includes 201 activity kits based on diverse children's books. Each kit is designed to incr
LET (Lake Educational Technologies) is a provider of bilingual family reading and family involvement programs for elementary schools, migrant and Head Start programs, and early childhood centers.
LET (Lake Educational Technologies) is a provider of bilingual family reading and family involvement programs for elementary schools, migrant and Head Start programs, and early childhood centers.
Family Involvement Center is a family-run organization that provides assistance and support to parents and caregivers raising children with emotional, physical, and behavioral health needs.
About AirwayFounded in 1952 by Fred Catanese, Sr., Airway continues to be family owned and managed.The family ownership, management team and involvement in day to day operations play a huge role in how Airway is run. It conveys to our customers and employ
AON Long Term Care Homes combine a home-like atmosphere with flexible programs tailored to individual needs. Our caring staff promotes family and community involvement to enrich the lives of our residents. Just south of Peterborough, in Millbrook.