Our church is a community of believers with Jesus Christ as its head. We seek to love, respect and care for one another as a demonstration of our love for God. Our outreach is to those who have no church home. Many in our area are disillusioned wi
Faith is a place where you are truly with friends. More than 35 nationalities worship together at FTC each week. Our socio-econmic backgrounds & cultures blend together to form a place where everyone feels at home. You matter to God & to us.
theWELL is a movement committed to creating cultures where people are called to deeper FAITH in Jesus Christ, experiencing HOPE as they journey through life together, and expressing their LOVE to God and others.
At Trinity Presbyterian Church we live in response to God’s love, expressing our faith with creativity and integrity, in a spirit of hospitality and inclusiveness.
Our mission at Parkway Assembly is to minister to the entire family, expressing the love of God to each family member in a very real and practical way.
This website is dedicated to expressing God's eternal love for humanity through stories, experiences, poetry and other literary forms. Enjoy and be blessed as you read.
Song Celestial brings you the beautiful voice and powerful music of Patrick Michael Jolly, expressing God's wonderful message of goodness, mercy and love. 12 powerful songs reveal an outpouring of joy and praise from the heart of Mr. Jolly.