Veer Books comes out of the activities at Birkbeck College’s Contemporary Poetics Research Centre (CPRC), and aims to publish a range of unconforming writing in poetry and poetics, including some texts that other publishers might view as experimental.
Red Dragon Press: Books of innovative, progressive, & experimental writings; ...mission statement, booklist, guidelines for submissions...poetry, prose, fiction, short fiction....
Visual, acoustic, experimental, and philosophic poetry about luminous love and wholeness. Poesía filosófica, auditiva y sonora sobre el amor luminoso y unidad.
Visual, acoustic, experimental, and philosophic poetry about luminous love and wholeness. Poesía filosófica, auditiva y sonora sobre el amor luminoso y unidad.
Visual, acoustic, experimental, and philosophic poetry about luminous love and wholeness. Poesía filosófica, auditiva y sonora sobre el amor luminoso y unidad.
Visual, acoustic, experimental, and philosophic poetry about luminous love and wholeness. Poesía filosófica, auditiva y sonora sobre el amor luminoso y unidad.
Les poupées russes renferment toujours des surprises et c’est bien des surprises que réserve l’univers de la jeune franco-danoise Tachka, pianiste dans ses jeunes années puis guitariste autodidacte.
Vispo Langu(im)age: experimental visual poetry, literary programming, and essays on new media by Jim Andrews. Dedicated to life, poetry, and the ABCs of a new art.