Katie Jacobs is a freelance writer and environmental consultant. She works in environmental education and communication and writes about environment and travel
Mississippi writer Luke Wallin is the author of Conservation Writing: Essays at the Crossroads of Nature and Culture, and an award-winning author of young adult novels and conservation books; samples of conservation and environmental writing, short storie
Welcome This website is a place for me to pull the threads of my professional life together. I call myself an environmental educator, writer and inspiration-ator (a very good friend coined the term for me and I like it!). Together these different roles
Ravi Agarwal is an artist, environmental activist, writer and curator. He has pursued an art practice integrally with his other pursuits. His earlier work, in the documentary oeuvre, encompasses nature, work, labour, and the street. More recently he has
Environmental Researcher, Writer, doctorate, Nelson Institute, University of Wisconsin, justice, teacher, participatory research, outreach, civil rights
Environmental Researcher, Writer, doctorate, Nelson Institute, University of Wisconsin, justice, teacher, participatory research, outreach, civil rights
Whether the topic is landfills or leukemia, or the length is 200 or 2000 words, Heather Kent delivers accurate, plain language copy on time and on budget. Too much corporate and academic writing is filled with tired, overused, meaningless language. Let He
I am an urban planner by trade but also spend time writing, thinking, researching, and playing violin. I became fascinated with the intersection of humans and ecosystems during my undergraduate years at Whitman College and my semester abroad in Dunedin, N
Latest News: My interview with Dr. Jane Goodall is featured on the cover of issue 40.4 of Alternatives Journal! “A Bright and Lethal Tide,” my creative
An Economic Development agency that helps small to large scale business owners obtain capital as well as any other resources available to businesses, private and individual entities through campaigning or accessing forms and applications to file.