Learn about myths & facts of Mobile & Cell Phone Tower radiation. At Radiation Doctor, we offer research reports, expert’s views about radiation that will help you to evaluate its pros & cons.
Learn why cell phone and EMF radiation is harmful for your family. Let ADRProvita explain what is EMF protection and how it can help protect you and your loved ones from harmful radiation you may be encountering everyday.
Mobile phone masts, cell phone towers, wifi, cell phones, mobile phones and wireless are making people sick worldwide. This website tells their stories and reports the latest news on the subject.
Cell phone radiation have been linked to brain tumors, cancer, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s & cellular damage. The Matrix chip is a scientifically proven radiation protection device that is highly effective for EMR & EMF protection. Retail, bulk and wholesale
r2l.com - The R2L is a Cell Phone Radiation Reducer. Proven to reduce the harmful radaition from your cell phone up to 70%. Pick up one for the whole family. Why take a chance?
Solution to cell phone radiation problem. Air tube hand free has no radiation transmitted, suitable for all brand cell phone, easy to use, washable and strong.
Cell phone studies are increasingly linking radiation from the devices to brain tumors, specifically the risk of glioma (the most common brain tumor). While
The Gia Wellness proprietary Cell Guard technology lets you protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of cell phone electromagnetic radiation. Contact us today.
WaveShield is the industries only proven product that protects cell phone users from the radiation that is emitted through the ear piece. It is designed to block up to 99% of radiation
You can keep your brain and body out of harm's way. If you use the Defender, then you neutralize the cell phone radiation before it is absorbed by your brain and body.
You can keep your brain and body out of harm's way. If you use the Defender, then you neutralize the cell phone radiation before it is absorbed by your brain and body.
r2l.com - The R2L is a Cell Phone Radiation Reducer. Proven to reduce the harmful radaition from your cell phone up to 70%. Pick up one for the whole family. Why take a chance?
Protect Yourself against cell phone radiation with Safer Call Protection Sticker. The human body and nature too, works with electromagnetic oscillations which are similar to the oscillations produced by technology for communication.
This app allows to reduce cell phone radiation and to save a battery power while you talk. It protects from cell radiation and empowers healthy lifestyle.
Cell phone radiation protection & anti radiation products at WaveShield can be used on mobile phones, PDAs, cordless devices and computers to protect from harmful waves.