The House of the Rising Phoenix is dedicated to combating the forces of the Unlife in Elanthia, standing steadfast against the agents of Chaos, releasing the tortured spirits of the Undead from their eternal torment, and dedicating ourselves to the protec
The Order of the Silver Gryphon is a chivalric group of knights based in the Simutronics game GemStone IV devoted to upholding the honor and the safety of the lands of Elanthia. Herein are the roster of members, the laws that govern us, and some of our st is Mykk's dedication to Halflings and Bards in the online rpg DragonRealms by Simutronics. Brought to you from Mykk's knoll in Arthe Dale!
Welcome to Lord Jerrec's Lair. A place with lots of information for roguish types, and of course, those looking in that direction. Not much in the way of statistical formulas and the like, but several guides geared toward lockpicking and other roguish ma