NewBlueFX video editing plugins provide time-saving workflow and creativity enhancing visual effects, transitions and titling tools for Adobe, Avid, Sony, Edius, Apple and more presents "Six Steps to Stronger Edits," a 6-part tutorial series on Grass Valley EDIUS 6 featuring instructor Philip Hinkle. Upcoming tutorials…
Уроки по видеомонтажу в edius (эдиусе). Полное описание эдиуса на русском. Список горячих клавиш на
русском языке. Советы видеооператорам. Уроки по видеосъ
Ihr Online-Shop für Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 7, EDIUS Neo 3.5, EDIUS Zubehör, HDSPARK, ADVC-110, ADVC-55, videostar VisTitle, ProDAD Heroglyph, MotionStudios Vasco da Gama, u.v.m.
Ihr Online-Shop für Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 7, EDIUS Neo 3.5, EDIUS Zubehör, HDSPARK, ADVC-110, ADVC-55, videostar VisTitle, ProDAD Heroglyph, MotionStudios Vasco da Gama, u.v.m.
Welcome to the Website of Klaus Markl Film & TV. If you are looking for an ENG crew, help with a broadcast or corporate project in southern Germany you’ve come to the right place! Fast, creative, 100% reliable. Hire a local crew with 19 years of exper
Kurgucu; adobe premiere pro, final cut pro gibi bir çok kurgu programlarının kullanımı için video dersleri sunan ve kurgucu aranıyorsa kurgucuya ulaşırsınız.