еврорадар, радар, радари, euroradar, radar, radars, Ехолоти, Интеркоми, Сензори, Автопилотни системи, Метеорологични системи, Системи за спьтникова телевизия, аис, AIS
Knudsen Systems Inc. (KSI) is a US small business, female-owned and operated based in Ogdensburg, New York. We sell Knudsen echosounders manufactured by Knudsen Engineering Ltd. We are also a GSA Federal Supplier for US federal buyers.
R2Sonic, located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A., is pleased to introduce Broadband Multibeam Sonar Technology with the launch of our fifth generation SONIC Series Multibeam Echosounders and Forward Looking Sonar systems.
Knudsen Engineering Limited specializes in the design and manufacture of high performance digital echo sounders and echosounders for marine applications.
Knudsen Engineering Limited specializes in the design and manufacture of high performance digital echo sounders and echosounders for marine applications.
Scotland, UK based marine electronics products suppliers, offering a wide range of products including, gps, gyro, radar, gmdss, radio and satellite communication systems.