Online Drumtracks is a professional web based drum studio for homestudio owners and producers. We record live drums for you played by a real drummer to mix right into your music.
Full-length (3-5 minutes long) drum beats, played by some of Los Angeles' top drummers, complete with multiple sections, fills and dynamic changes. Ready for instant Downloading.
Find out about Adam Theobald Drumming, or follow links to Homescape Media Property Photography, Drum Tracks online service & Graphic Sounds: music for film.
Conceived by Jer Keller, our goal at AudioSyncrasy is to help you achieve your project goals with quality drum tracks that you can proudly put into your songs.
Bereits in den Anfängen interessierte es mich, wie ich das Gespielte aufnehmen und möglichst wohlklingend wiedergeben könnte. Zur Selbstkontrolle beim Üben und zur Archivierung für mich selbst. Noch heute habe ich Aufnahmen aus meiner Anfangszeit...