Fatigue, including ‘Drowsy Driving’, is a contributing factor in between 16-20% of all road crashes in Victoria. Drowsiness affects a drivers safety by decreasing their reaction time, their ability to concentrate and creates the very real risk of falling
To promote and take an active role in the improvement and development of new state laws regarding not just deaths of loved ones resulting from drivers driving while fatigued, but the awareness of drowsy driving itself.
Driving drowsy can be as dangerous as drinking and driving. Sleepiness slows reaction time, decreases awareness and impairs judgment, all of which may lead to a greater likelihood for potential accidents. Studied have shown that being awake for 24 hours s
Welcome to Sleep Healthy, an advanced educational resource that offers information about sleep. What it is and how you can get more of it! Many people have problems falling asleep, staying asleep or simply sleeping healthy. The good news is that many s
Trouble Sleeping? The Sleep Center of Greater Pittsburgh's mission is to provide comprehensive and quality care to those experiencing sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and narcolepsy.
Sonring and Sleep Apnea Recognition and Treatment in Anchorage, Alaska. As Alaska's only dental practice dedicated to the recognition and treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, Dr. Schlansker and Alaska Dental Sleep Medicine is in an ideal
April 6th is Drowsy Driver Awareness Day in the state of California, and it tells the story of what happened to Robyn Mellon Konstantin on a very long drive
The Sleep Alternative offers natural sleeping aids for adults and babies, including relaxation music and other natural cures for insomnia. Find a natural sleep remedy that is right for you.