Tracy Dods's paintings merge acute social observation with poignant symbolic metaphor to illuminate the heart of the contemporary condition. The results are expressed in colours which are bold, true and beautiful. Her work is thoroughly infused with her
We provide the skills, intelligence and platforms needed to engage effectively across the spheres of politics, public sector administration and public affairs.
We provide the skills, intelligence and platforms needed to engage effectively across the spheres of politics, public sector administration and public affairs.
I bring extensive training and experience in coaching along with my thorough grounding in domestic and international business realities to my practice to help my clients achieve their goals. I help people who have achieved success in their careers, are re
Rädda Sverige var tidigare samlingsportal för ett antal upprop för bland annat ökat skydd för kontantväsendet och bankreform. I dag är det ett skyltfönster för några böcker.