What if this was you? The DIRTY BOMB DIARIES is a mini-series that explores that looming question. Against the backdrop of a horrifying terrorist act, one wo...
What if this was you? The DIRTY BOMB DIARIES is a mini-series that explores that looming question. Against the backdrop of a horrifying terrorist act, one wo...
Click Poster to see The Film. A Dirty Bomb is used on American citizens and is pinned against terrorist groups for starting wars by Black Project Initiatives. Military trained Bio-Scientist Mila (Meela) Gates is caught in the middle of a global conspirac
Dirty Bomb is a competitive free-to-play multiplayer shooter. Play with unique Mercenaries to ramp-up your FPS video gaming skills & get dirty like a pro!
Check out this Counter Terrorist Action Thriller, Read about special ops and Nine-Eleven, thriller, terrorist, suitcase nuke, nuclear, radical Islam, , 9-11, Wahhabi, dirty bomb, third temple, fiction
Radiation protection emergency kits detect, block and decontaminate nuclear and dirty bomb radiation. Water Filtration for bacteria, viruses and pH levels.
Vintage Trouble - Live-wired, straight-shootin, dirty-mouth'd, pelvis-pushing juke music. 'The Bomb Shelter Sessions' CD now available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Napster, Rhapsody and all other major online stores.
Vintage Trouble - Live-wired, straight-shootin, dirty-mouth'd, pelvis-pushing juke music. 'The Bomb Shelter Sessions' CD now available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Napster, Rhapsody and all other major online stores.