CK-12 Foundation provides a library of free online textbooks, videos, exercises, flashcards, and real world applications for over 5000 concepts from arithmetic to history
Sunburst Digital's library of educational curriculum software for grades K-12 is proven to increase teacher capacity, engage critical thinking skills and empower 21st century learning.
Cyber Civics is a complete digital media literacy curriculum and program for middle school students. Includes support and training for parents and teachers.
:: Gabriele Maugeri - Art Director, Multimedia Designer, Visual Designer, Digital Publisher :: Curriculum Vitae, Resume, Portfolio, Skills and About Me
Cicero Systems™ designs, develops and delivers award-winning, online, K-12, multimedia classroom resources and professional development services. We deliver these resources digitally, online, anytime, virtually anywhere to teachers, classrooms and student
Peter Gibson Creative driver of user experience, an advocate of best practice approach that ensures an engaging customer interaction. A great team communicator and Agile evangelist
Comprehensive and affordable K-12 Digital Textbooks for teachers and homeschool. K-12 Textbooks in LA, Math, Science and Social. Comprehensive electronic textbooks
This solution helps districts seamlessly access, organize, and share digital content to meet their instructional goals, facilitate personalized learning, and address budget challenges.
Hola a tod@s. Soy Marta y hace ya siete años terminé de estudiar la carrera de Periodismo y me licencié en la misma facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación (UPV/EHU) a la que he vuelto ahora a estudiar un Máster de Comunicación Corporativa. Dur