Le Centre de formation en communication du Québec (CFCQ) propose des cours de communication et des cours de diction, formations pour tous, en entreprise, en ateliers de groupe et à distance.
Ginette Duplessis is a recitalist and experienced singing teacher, specializing in coaching, consultations and guidance on French Diction and the French Repertoire, as well as masterclasses and traditional classical voice training for the developing singi
Opera diction and coaching resources from Nico Castel, the Met's diction coach (and longtime principal) including the libretti series publications, Spanish ladino resources, diction coaching by mail, classes and workshops.
L'école d'animation et de communications Stéphan Roy offre des cours professionnels en communication – animation radio, animation télévision, animation de foule, diction pour professionnels
Cours de théâtre et de diction pour adultes par Bernard Cousin, diplômé de l'ENSATT. Voix, diction, prise de parole en public, théâtre classique et moderne
The Diction Media Group is an agency for authors and artists who believe in the creative power of their diction and choose words for literature, poetry, spoken word, and music that will change the world around us all.
Elizabeth Brodovitich - A Vancouver-community based professional singer and diction coach skilled in teaching singers of all ages how to efficiently prepare the sounds, rhythms, and phrasing of English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, and Czech song tex
Acting and Diction Coaching in English and Spanish. Helping Actors with better performance, business professionals with clearer diction and accent reduction.
Ce site est en vente! diction.ru ] est votre source d’informations priviligiée pour le thème Diction . Vous trouverez également ici des informations sur d’autre thèmes. Nous vous souhaitons de fructueuses recherches !
Diction is used by those interested in content analysis, sentiment analysis, corpus linguistics, text analysis, natural language processing, and the digital humanities
A must-have pocket reference for singers, repetiteurs, chorus masters and voice teachers, this app is an alphabetical list of Italian words identifying the correct pronunciation of stressed E & O vowels in Italian lyric diction.
American Diction is a private company that offers English language training with individual lessons or small-group classes, for a variety of purposes, including: Diction for Actors whose native language is not English - Achieve clear pronunciation and exp
The latest Tweets from Bingo Diction! (@bingodiction): "Follow Bingo Diction! for the latest and greatest updates from around the web of Online Bingo!"
L'école d'animation et de communications Stéphan Roy offre des cours professionnels en communication – animation radio, animation télévision, animation de foule, diction pour professionnels
L'école d'animation et de communications Stéphan Roy offre des cours professionnels en communication – animation radio, animation télévision, animation de foule, diction pour professionnels
L'école d'animation et de communications Stéphan Roy offre des cours professionnels en communication – animation radio, animation télévision, animation de foule, diction pour professionnels