CDs, books, and albums produced by Dicky Dare, Richard Del Connor, for Shaolin Records AVAILABLE HERE. Richard's discography includes the albums of American Zen and Buddha Zhen. Richard also edits and publishes the books of Buddha Zhen and the poetry ar is a fun website of music projects by record producer Richard Del Connor, a.k.a. The Hippy Coyote. Dickie Dare, or Dicky Dare, was a nickname of Richard as a kid. His brothers and dad still refer to him as Dicky Dare. Official Shaolin Re
COYOTE POETRY includes books, novels, radio shows, podcasts, and poetry books by The Hippy Coyote of American Zen. Since 1964, The Coyote's been pumping out perplexing poetry and flower power prose. Coyote has been selling more poetry than songs at iTunes
ZenCoyote.COM: ZEN COYOTE is THE HIPPY COYOTE of American Zen. This natural minded natural animal guards the Shaolin Zen Cybertemple. Our happy hippie The Coyote is the songwriter, singer, bassist, guitarist, drummer and flute player of American Zen.
CoyoteRadio.US is the INTERNET RADIO station of Coyote Radio. I have lots of ideas and fun shows planned. First, I need a server and someone to help me set this up.