One of best social journalism platform in india. read, write and engage with the latest, breaking, hottest, updated news, campaigns, opinions & events in saddahaq.
Zimbabwe media organisation focused on encouraging and participating in progressive national dialogue, through news articles, social media and WhatsApp.
Le CNDS est une institution reconnue d'utilité publique en Côte d'Ivoire créée en 2007.
Vous pourrez retrouver sur ce site des informations relatives au dialogue social en Côte d'Ivoire.
Covers all things GFMD since 2010, the ILO domestic worker convention, the 2012 World Social Forum on Migration and the UN High-Level Dialogue on Migration. A blog by Stefan Rother (by Stefan Rother)
Hidden Owl Consulting is your process specialist focusing on non-profit and social sector change projects, team building, strategic or visionary planning, values based leadership and dialogue practices. We provide a wide range of facilitation services to
The Socialogue offers a unique space to ask questions so that we can engage in more meaningful and constructive dialogue about social issues. By harnessing the power of questions and self-reflection, we are moving away from antagonistic debate towards a m
Award winning Zimbabwe media company, encouraging dialogue using social media, guest blogs, live events and providing training and social media strategy
Advies, bijstand en training voor een sociaal klimaat ten goede voor uw onderneming.
Conseil, assistance et formation pour organiser un climat social performant dans votre entreprise.
Advice, assistance and training for a social climat for the benefit o
L'IEDRS développe les relations sociales par l'optimisation de la qualité de vie au travail et la qualité relationnelle. En collaboration avec : CHSCT, syndicats, partenaires sociaux, institutions publiques (médecine et inspections du travail),