BADC, Bangladeshi American Democratic Coalition started its journey in early 2012 and was inaugurated on October 21, 2012. On November 7, 2013 it was formally registered as a Democratic Club with the Santa Clara County Democratic Party (SCCDP)
The object
The Coalition of Landlords, Homeowners, and Merchants, Inc., is a legal not-for-profit organization
dedicated to maintaining and advancing the principles of a free and democratic society.Also dedicated to fighting for the protection of property rights.
This site was formed shortly after the 2010 general election. It is devoted to scrutinising the Conservative & Liberal Democratic coalition from a centre-left / left perspective. In particular, we're interested in how the two parties work out their differ
The 504 Democratic Club is a New York City-based coalition of Democrats working towards inclusion of people with disabilities in the political and social fabric of society. Club members hail from all five boroughs, reaching across every conceivable line t
The Common-Interest Homeowner Coalition (C-IHC)is an independent, non-profit organization which is dedicated to bring democratic reform to residential community homeowners associations.
We Are Activists! The Democratic Town Committees of eight towns of Northwest Connecticut have formed a coalition. Our purpose is to combine our ideas, energies and resources to promote democra
Generation Party Democratic Caucus (GenParty) and Generation Political Action Committee (GenPAC)are an independent support group of the Democratic Party. Texas based liberal progressive PAC working with California and New York coalition.