At Kenton Trace Realty we help you find your dream property in West Central Ohio. We offer Springfield OH real estate, Urbana OH home listings, Dayton OH foreclosed properties and much more!
At Kenton Trace Realty we help you find your dream property in West Central Ohio. We offer Springfield OH real estate, Urbana OH home listings, Dayton OH foreclosed properties and much more!
At Kenton Trace Realty we help you find your dream property in West Central Ohio. We offer Springfield OH real estate, Urbana OH home listings, Dayton OH foreclosed properties and much more!
View a list of homes that have been foreclosed upon in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. These homes have been assigned to TREO realtors and are somewhere in a 90 day process of being cleaned, reviewed for repairs and priced before being listed.
At Kenton Trace Realty we help you find your dream property in West Central Ohio. We offer Springfield OH real estate, Urbana OH home listings, Dayton OH foreclosed properties and much more!
At Kenton Trace Realty we help you find your dream property in West Central Ohio. We offer Springfield OH real estate, Urbana OH home listings, Dayton OH foreclosed properties and much more!
Dayton foreclosures updated daily. Our Dayton foreclosure listings provide accurate, up-to-date information on foreclosures in the Dayton community. Find foreclosed homes in Dayton today.
At Kenton Trace Realty we help you find your dream property in West Central Ohio. We offer Springfield OH real estate, Urbana OH home listings, Dayton OH foreclosed properties and much more!
View a list of homes that have been foreclosed upon in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. These homes have been assigned to TREO realtors and are somewhere in a 90 day process of being cleaned, reviewed for repairs and priced before being listed.
Client's Choice Realty, Springfield Ohio Homes for Sale, Dayton Ohio Homes for Sale, Englewood, Clayton, Yellow Springs Ohio homes for sale, Reduced fee realtor Home