IQSix Business Intelligent Dash Board facilitates business decisions. iQSix and its associate QSix are a pair of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company servicing major MNCs in USA,Asia-Pacific and Europe.
Solution matrix offers eMarketing menu of electronic eBrochures, eMag solution, eAds, and eCollateral and provide elearning, emarketing, epublications, enewsletter, marketing training. eCap (email campaign architecture program) gives one to one marketing
In the chemical industry today, competition is the driving force. Competition that is not just national but increasing on a global scale. The coming years will see India as a major player in the world's chemical intermediate market, of which we are proud
car interior design supplier in Kuala Lumpur, KL. supply car cushion, pillar mounting, carpet sterling, door trim roof, car carpet, car dash board, car door panel leather, car door pillar mounting, car headliner, and steering wheel leather in Cheras, Sela