DANOSA has become the leader company in Spain as manufacturer of bituminous waterproofing membranes for a long time. It is one of the most pretigious companies in Europe in the distribution of roof thermal insulation and in the manufacture of acoustic mat
DANOSA has become the leader company in Spain as manufacturer of bituminous waterproofing membranes for a long time. It is one of the most pretigious companies in Europe in the distribution of roof thermal insulation and in the manufacture of acoustic mat
DANOSA has become the leader company in Spain as manufacturer of bituminous waterproofing membranes for a long time. It is one of the most pretigious companies in Europe in the distribution of roof thermal insulation and in the manufacture of acoustic mat
DANOSA has become the leader company in Spain as manufacturer of bituminous waterproofing membranes for a long time. It is one of the most pretigious companies in Europe in the distribution of roof thermal insulation and in the manufacture of acoustic mat
DANOSA has become the leader company in Spain as manufacturer of bituminous waterproofing membranes for a long time. It is one of the most pretigious companies in Europe in the distribution of roof thermal insulation and in the manufacture of acoustic mat
Deco, distribuidores de Pladur, aislamiento termico, acustico, proteccion pasiva al fuego, techos registrables y puertas correderas. Suministramos materiales para tabiqueria seca, escayola, lana de roca y fibra de vidrio.
CONSTRUPLAC AILLAMENTS, S.L. és una empresa familiar amb mes de 19 anys d'experiència en el sector de l'obra seca. Materials de primera qualitat, reformes de vivendes habitades, primeres marques: KNAUF – PLADUR – PLACOPLATRE – DANOSA – ROCKWOOL – ISOVER –
CONSTRUPLAC AILLAMENTS, S.L. és una empresa familiar amb mes de 19 anys d'experiència en el sector de l'obra seca. Materials de primera qualitat, reformes de vivendes habitades, primeres marques: KNAUF – PLADUR – PLACOPLATRE – DANOSA – ROCKWOOL – ISOVER –
En nuestro negocio nos especializamos en ser los mejores en sellado de techo en Danosa, Megaver, Elastomérico Enco 5-1, Pintura de hogar, remodelaciones de baños y limpieza de máquina a presión.
JC Roofing Contractors & Security Systems es una compañía dedicada a servicios de sellado de techos en Danosa en toda la isla. Actualmente contamos con permisos regulados por oficinas de gobierno y Daco.
Vocacionada na área da construção, trabalhamos no sector das impermeabilizações e isolamentos (acústicos e térmicos), somos representantes exclusivos de 2 fabricantes europeus: Danosa e Mapei.