A leading provider of marine transportation for the Gulf Coast's oil and gas industry, Y&S Marine offers 24/7 availability and an unparalleled commitment to customer service.
Rederiet TP Offshore tilbyder skibscharter.
Med vores tre skibe er vi i stand til at stille med forskellige kapasiteter. Crewboat, supplyboat, survey, dykning, miljømonitorering, marineakæologisk eller marinebiologisk.
is under NEW OWNERSHIP since OCTOBER 2007 We are a licensed service provider for BoatUS/TowBoatUS for the Charleston, SC area 75+ miles offshore. We also specialize in crewboat, launchboat services, personnel transport, inshore/offshore fishing & div
Horizon Shipbuilding is a versatile shipbuilding corporation, specializing in new construction or repair/refurbish--ABS, SOLAS, or un-classed vessels, located in Bayou La Batre, Alabama. Their proven customer base includes the offshore oil industry, spec
Cape Henry Launch Service is a family owned and operated launch provider. Twenty-four hour on-call service is provided for all of Hampton Roads, the lower Chesapeake Bay, and the Virginia offshore.
Specialist brokers in marine construction industry especially offshore windfarms in sale, purchase and chartering of jackup barges, tugs, multicats, pontoons etc. Agents for 400 / 800t floating crane
Southview, South View, Southview log sorting, Southview Experts, Southview - applying local knowledge and old time expertise with modern equipment and innovative ideas. heavy equipment and marine forestry and construction contractor, specialize in hydro-e