American countertenor Lawrence Zazzo is one of the most outstanding singers of his generation. View Biography, Schedule and photo gallery online as well as free music downloads.
Christopher Field countertenor
Once in a artist takes the stage and a palpable magic overtakes the proceedings...young countertenor Christopher Field unveiled an exceptional talent. He is a singer of inordinate potential.”
Xenia Hanisiak,
Dave ten Kate (Countertenor, Geboren in 1980 te Den Haag) begon op zeer jonge leeftijd met zingen in het Haags Matrozen Koor. Dave kreeg zijn eerste zanglessen van Gregor Bak en Sipke de Jong.
Richard Michael Fox, a formally educated and trained Baroque Soloist Specialist Countertenor living in St. John's, NL, has recorded and released his first solo album of Baroque Repertoire, “Behind The Mask”.
Andrew Rader is a countertenor and Associate Instructor graduate assistant for the Early Music Institute of Indiana University�s Jacobs School of Music