Contemporary painter, abstract painting, modern painting, contemporary oil on canvas painting,art photo, modern ink on paper... This artist creates a colorful and emotional painting.
Lilo Jones is a Contemporary Abstract Landscape Painter in Greenwich Village NYC , who works with natural landscapes, creating pictorial narratives that are strikingly vivid and colorful.
Melanie Roschko is a contemporary abstract painter. Her paintings are vivid, colorful pieces with layers of color creating depth and exciting movement.
Contemporary Abstract Painter Robin Dawkins uses oils to explore and interpret her observations of nature and the surrounding man-made structures of the urban landscape. She seeks to transcend and meld her creative experiences into bold colorful shape com
Thomas Flanagan is an American Contemporary Abstract Painter living in Yarmouth Maine. The motivation behind his work comes from rhythms of the natural world. His opaque and transparent use of color is intended to reflect time and experience.
Tucson, Arizona Contemporary artist / painter Don West has produced works in the American & Outsider tradition for 30+ years. A self-taught artist, his work ranges from Art Brut, Abstract, Expressionism, Impressionism, Colorfield, Minimalism, & Neo-Dada.
Roger Davies, Welsh contemporary painter: Originally inspired by the smelting furnaces in the South Wales steel works, I have produced abstract and semi-abstract works throughout my career, from industrial subject matter through landscapes and still lives
Bruce Riley is a Chicago artist who works in an organic nonrepresentational style. He has received prestigious grants and awards and his paintings are included in important collections.
Contemporary abstract and realistic paintings, mixed media, sculpture and collage artworks with stunningly electric color and fantastical dreamlike imagery by Ione Citrin.
Contemporary Fine Art Paintings by Doug Lowe depicting portraits of people, events, sports and politics using acrylics expressed as figurative, semi-abstract and abstract works
Brian Looney is a London-based artist and has had a series of exhibitions in London. He is now most interested in the amalgamation of the abstract and the figurative.
Eva Hyam, artist and painter, has her mixed media paintings and exotic collages exhibited on her new website She has exhibited her art in galleries and alternative venues. Her inner language translates itself spontaneously trough a
Marianne Hornbuckle creates both contemporary acrylic abstract paintings and works on paper as well as figurative bronze sculptures and figure drawings.
Amadea Bailey is a Contemporary Abstract Expressionist located in Los Angeles, California. She primarily paints large scale abstract art. Amadea's paintings are collected around the world.