Offering the largest FREE online karaoke music database. Become a star by singing & recording your favorite songs in our Internet karaoke community. find and discover music and people. Use your voice to instantly connect to your favorite music, and to a community of people that share your musical interests. Sing your own versions, listen to voices, see pictures, rate singers, send messages,
Singing River Health System is the community based, not-for-profit healthcare provider for Jackson County and surrounding areas. As one of the county’s largest employers, Singing River Health System offers award winning, comprehensive care for every age a
A community chorus that provides music education,
performance opportunities,
group singing, and socialization
with others who enjoy singing in the Santa Clara valley area
Come and Sing! Daytime singing community - singing songs of inspiration and love. Explore our programmes for Parents & children under 5 and Adults & Elders.
Sounds International is a community singing group made up of around 100 like-minded people of all ages and walks of life, who share a common joy in singing. Founded in 2003 by professional vocal coach, Eddie Binnie.
If you’re looking for singing lessons, guitar tuition, or to join a fantastic, friendly community choir then you’ve come to the right place. My name is Jay Parrack and I am a professional musician based in Verwood, between Ringwood and Bournemouth in Dors
If you can talk, you can sing... At the Community Choir Festival, Stratford-on-Avon singing 'Let the River Run' arr Kait Lee Rest in Peace, our friend, Len Adams &nb
No auditions, no pressure, just turn up, sing, have fun and enjoy. Choirs in Bramley (Hants), Bracknell (BBC Berkshire Choir) & Wokingham. Modern Popular
AMTC is a Christian talent and modeling ministry that provides casting calls and auditions for inspired performers as well as professional direction, industry
AMTC is a Christian talent and modeling ministry that provides casting calls and auditions for inspired performers as well as professional direction, industry
The Military Wives Choirs Foundation charity was created following the enormous success of the No.1 single Wherever You Are, which raised over half a million pounds for SSAFA and The Royal British Legion. We bring women in the military community closer to
The Military Wives Choirs Foundation charity was created following the enormous success of the No.1 single Wherever You Are, which raised over half a million pounds for SSAFA and The Royal British Legion. We bring women in the military community closer to